Local historian Michael Boyd has poured considerable research effort into compiling a directory of the buildings and architects of this historic district.
The listing is a valuable reference for anyone interested in the structures, build dates, original owners, and architects within Lafayette Square.
Michael’s contact information, and notes are shown at the bottom.
Anderson, Clark, Matthews
1500-42 Vail Pl./ 1814-20 McNulty/ 1415-35 S. 18th St. American Bed Co. 1902 – 1919
Thomas B. Annan (1839-1906)
2300 Lafayette Ave., Lafayette Park Methodist Church (original structure at rear) 1887 (not Theodore Link)

August Beineke (1846-1901)
2002 Lafayette Ave. 1875 Charles Stewart (razed)
2004 Lafayette Ave. 1875 Charles Stewart
Geo. I. Barnett (1815-1898)
5 Benton Pl. 1868 Cynthian Desloge
1532 Hickory St. John Dillon 1868 $15,000 (razed)
1515 Missouri 1882 John C. Vogel $15,000
2035 (2029) Park Ave. James Thomas 1868 $35,000 (razed)
2043 (2033) Park Ave. William L. Huse 1878 $20,000 (research suggests that long held assertions that this building was a remodeling and expansion of an earlier home claimed to be the Montgomery Blair residence are likely incorrect e. g. there is no building shown in this location in the 1875 Compton & Dry Pictorial).

2107 Park Ave. (aka 46 Benton Pl., 2103 Park Ave.) 1874 John Jackson (or JOHN H. MAURICE archt.? sources conflict)
Alexander Cameron (1830-1890)
1550 Mississippi Ave. 1888 Alexander Cameron
2012 Lafayette Ave. 1880 Wm. S. Simpson
xxxx Preston Pl. 4 family flat $6000 – $10,000
xxxx north side Albion Pl. 1886 Henry M. Noel $8000
William A. Cann (1863-1912)
2300 Lafayette Ave., Lafayette Park Methodist Church (newer main church structure at front) 1900 (not Theodore Link)
Frank J. Capitain (1845 – 1908)
1401 Missouri Ave. 1886 Alois Soderer $8000
Alfred Grable (1826-1921) & Auguste Weber (1857-1905)
1409-11-13-15 Missouri Ave. 1891 Harriet (wife of Jacob) Christopher $12,000
1703 Simpson Pl. (2138 Lafayette Ave.) 1892 Jacob Christopher $8000

1927-31-33-35-37 Park Ave. 1884 Jacob Stocke*
2126 Lafayette Ave. se cr Simpson Pl. 1892 William S. Simpson
2201 Park Ave. 1875 Frederick N. Judson (razed)
2318 Lafayette Ave. 1884 Given Campbell $5000 (razed)
2329 Whittemore Pl. 1884 Peter W. Schaumleffel $4500*
2335 Whittemore Pl. 1884 Leo Rassieur $11,000*

Grable, Weber & Groves (Albert Groves 1865-1925)
Union Club (2nd building) Lafayette Ave. at Jefferson Ave. 1896 $23,000 (razed)
Jacob Heim (1880 – 1953)
Deutches (German) House 2343-45 Lafayette Ave. 1928

Hoener, Baum & Froese
1712-24 Chouteau Ave. Eden Publishing House 1930
Walter J. Hubbard (1905 – 1980)
1900 Lafayette Ave. school building for Lafayette Park Baptist Church 1946 – 1953 $500,000
Ernst Janssen (1855-1946)
1605 Missouri Ave. 1893 Charles Ehlermann $18,000 permit/$30,000 published cost
1631 Missouri Ave. (2317 Lafayette) sw cor Lafayette Ave. (McLaughlin Funeral Home) rebuild/remodel after 1896 tornado
1826-28-30-32-34 Lafayette Ave. 1885 John H. Kaiser $18,000

1843 Kennett Pl. 1892 Gustavus A. Finkelnberg $12,000
2334 Albion Pl. 1891 Anna L. Krauss $13,000
2335 Park Ave. 1898
15 Benton Place 1888 William Rosenthal $5,000
1813 Lafayette Ave. 1884 Emil Donk $9,000
2318 Albion Place 1888 Herman Krutzsch $5,000
2341 Park Ave. 1898
2354 Whittemore Pl. 1889 Dr. Eugene Hauck
xxxx Mississippi Ave. at corner of Rutger St., Wm. Rosenthal three 2-story stone front flats $10,000
xxxx Dolman St. east side between Hickory and Chouteau, two 2-story dwellings + Mansard dwellings for John Green
E. Jungenfeld & Co. (succeeded by Widmann, Walsh, & Boisselier)
1724 Lafayette Ave. Phoenix brewery expansion 1888-89
1824 Chouteau Ave.
2031 Park Ave. 1895 Ernst Link (Note: Home misrepresented for years as design of Union Station architect Theodore C. Link, but was not. Ernst Link was not related to Theodore Link) 2031 Park Avenue was built for Ernst Link following a fire that destroyed the previous home on the lot that he had purchased in 1894, the c. 1876 George P. Whitelaw home addressed 2027 Park Avenue.

Henry William Kirchner(1853-1937), Kirchner and Kirchner
1525 Missouri Ave. 1891 Gustavus Schuchmann

Jerome B. Legg (1838-1915)
1728 Waverly Pl. 1885 Luther H. Conn $8500 (razed)
Theodore Link (1850-1923)
1701 (1) Nicholson Pl. sw cr Lafayette Ave. 1888 John H. Tracy (razed)
Union Club (original building) Lafayette at Jefferson 1890 (destroyed in 1896 tornado)
Thos. F. Marley (1849-1900)
xxxx Vail Pl. 1884 $1000
2328 Whittemore Pl. 1891 Frank I. Cafferata $5000 (razed)
2341 Whittemore Pl. 1890 J. W. Moore $3000
2347 (2343) Whittermore Pl. 1890 Thos. F. Marley $5000
2351 Whittemore Pl. 1890 August Ahrens $4000
John H. Maurice (1818-1884), Maurice & Dickinson
21 Benton Pl. 1870 John S. Cavender 1870

30 Benton Pl. c. 1872 Edward S. Rowse*
35 Benton Pl. 1873 Dewitt C. Stone
1425 Missouri Ave. Jacob Christopher $7000 1883
1427 Missouri ” ” ” ” “
1431 Missouri ” ” ” ” “
1505 Missouri Ave. Lafayette Park Presbyterian Church 1881 $20,000

2051 Park Ave. (aka 1 Benton Pl., 2035 Park Ave.) c. 1871 John S. Cavender to James H. Britton
2107 Park Ave. (aka 46 Benton Pl., 2103 Park Ave.) c. 1875 John Jackson (or “GEO. I. BARNETT archt.”? sources conflict)
2115 (2107) Park Ave. (aka Benton Pl.) c. 1874 George Bain
Edward Mortimer (1825 – 1902)
Church of the Unity at Park and Armstrong Aves. 1 story addition to chapel 1884 $4000
Peabody, Stearns, & Furber
10 Benton Pl. 1893 Edward S. Rowse
Ernst Preisler (1855-1934)
1413-15 Dolman c. 1891
1424, 1426, 1428, 1430 South 18th St. c. 1891

1434-36 South 18th St. c. 1893
Frederick Wm. Raeder (1832-1918)
40 Benton Pl. 1873 Richard C. Ludlow
1126 Dolman St. St. John’s Episcopal Church 1872
1332 Mackay Ave. at Park Ave. Unitarian Church 1870
1631 Missouri Ave. (2317 Lafayette Ave.) sw cor Lafayette Ave. (McLaughlin Funeral Home) 1867 for Dietrich Waldecker

1740 Missouri Ave. William H. Bliss 1875 (razed)
1824 Chouteau Ave. 1892 Kuenstler Verein building 1892
2123 Park Ave. The Church of the Unity 1869 $8000 (former address was 2127 and 2131 Park Ave.)
Harry E. Roach (1843 – 1906)
1710 Mississippi Ave. Lafayette Baptist Church (rebuilding of 1888 church building after 1896 tornado) 1896
John S. Thomas (1847 – 1905)
2110, 2114, 2118 Lafayette Ave. 1870 $20,000
Francis Tunica (1833-1891)
Lafayette Park fence 1868 $50,000

William C. Uhri (1854-1933)
2319 Whittemore Pl. 1888 Andrew Uhri & Son $4600
2321 Whittemore Pl. ” ” ” ” “
2323 Whittemore Pl. 1886 ” ” ” $4200
2325 Whittemore Pl. ” ” ” ” “

2336 Whittemore Pl. 1884 Andrew Uhri (personal residence) $6000
2340 Whittemore Pl. 1882 Andrew Uhri & Son $5000
2346 Whittemore Pl. 1890 Andrew Uhri & Son $4600
2350 Whittemore Pl. 1890 ” ” ” ” (razed)
2346 Albion Pl. 1890 ” ” ” “
Henry Von Eschen (1846- 1894)
1904 LaSalle St. 1879
1906 LaSalle St. 1878
Thomas Walsh (1826-1900)
1627 Missouri Ave. 1868 William Hamilton (razed)
1808 Chouteau Ave. 1891 for Adolph Wagner, sold to Alexander Selkirk
Otto J. Wilhelmi (1853-1925)
2323 Lafayette Ave. 1897 August Nasse
2327 Albion Pl. 1889 August Haase

2335 Albion Pl. 1888 Herbert Roos
2355 Albion Pl. 1889 Wm. Lampel (razed)
2355 Whittemore Pl. 1888 Dr. Herman Wichmann (razed)
Wilhelmi (Otto) & Janssen (Ernst)
Winners of competition for design of shelter building with basement, for winter storage of plants in Lafayette Park 1879
Buildings of Significance, Architect Unknown
2046 Lafayette Ave. 1851 Charles Gibson (razed 1913)

2166 Lafayette Ave. 1891 Joseph Spiegelhalter
2100 Waverly Pl. 1857 Archibald Gamble (razed 1959)
Parentheses ( ) after address number indicate an alternative address for property, typically the original street address that was later altered.
Dates given typically reflect year of permit issuance when known. Date may also indicate year of completion of construction or first known year of occupancy in the building. Buildings were frequently completed in the year following issuance of permits unless construction commenced early in the year. Year of construction dates found in some city records are frequently incorrect.
An asterisk * after the listing indicates an attribution to the architect where a known reliable source has not been confirmed. This may indicate circumstantial evidence including other known work done by the same architect for the client or client’s family, design clues, etc.
Names given are typically of the client who commissioned the construction of the building. However, many of our original buildings were constructed speculatively for immediate resale and in some instances, the client name may indicate the first owner/occupant rather than the party who commissioned the design.
Construction cost is provided where known, typically recorded with the original building permit data or in published accounts. However, these numbers do not typically reflect the full costs as some items, particularly in the finishing trades, may have been contracted outside of the primary builder’s responsibilities. Also, the cost of land, which was typically substantial, would be outside of construction costs. And then, as now, there may have been a tendency to under report or cheat on the permit cost to avoid higher permit fees, taxes, etc. My research suggests that generally speaking, the costs provided on the building permit reflect approximately half to two thirds of the client’s total expenditure on the building.
If you can provide additional information, for correction of misinformation, etc, please contact:
Michael Boyd
2329 Whittemore Place
St. Louis, MO 63104
314 744-0153
email: thearchitective@aol.com